Gigantic ‘Jitterbug’ structure set to land in University Parks

Giant bug installation from award-winning theatre makers Trigger to host free creative programme for all ages.
Joint initiative involving University of Oxford academics to celebrate the works of Kafka and bring to a wider audience.
Visitors to University Parks this Spring should be persuaded not to apply more insect repellent as a gigantic half-man half-insect lands from 31 May – 2 June.
Created and presented by award-winning producers Trigger (The Hatchling / PoliNations), in collaboration with The Cultural Programme, the ‘Jitterbug’ is an enormous 14 metre inflatable bug tent which will be the setting for a free programme of activities with workshops and events for all ages. From talks, yoga and crafting to storytelling hosted by the Story Museum and a drag cabaret extravaganza in the evening, the event also features a brand-new collaboration between Oxford-based MC Rawz and aerialist Julia Sparkle.
Celebrating Franz Kafka’s work ‘Metamorphosis’ the concept for the ‘Jitterbug’ was created in conjunction with academics from the University of Oxford, some of whom will be appearing at the event. It is designed to highlight the importance of recognising beauty from within a person and forms part of the centenary celebrations for the writer, part of the ‘Kafka’s Transformative Communities’ project from the Kafka Research Centre: #OxfordKafka24.
Booking is now open for all workshops. Please visit: oxfordculturalprogramme.org.uk/event/jitterbug
Some of the key highlights include:
Friday 31 May: Oxford-based The Story Museum will take over the Jitterbug tent for storytelling and crafting during the day.
At 8pm there will be a special evening performance by international superstar, Meow Meow, who will grace the audience with some of her trademark Kafkaesque musical mayhem. (Tickets priced at £10).
Saturday 1 June: A Bugify me workshop transforming old clothes into new during the day will be followed by ‘Cabaret at the Jitterbug’ in the evening with a performance by Dragademia. ‘Chrysalis’ will also be performed by esteemed local artists and University of Oxford fellow, Rawz and aerialist Julia Sparkle.
Sunday 2 June: Meet some special buggy guests on an insect adventure, followed by an engaging panel discussion delving into the world of insects and their pivotal role in shaping the future.
John Fulljames, Director of the Humanities Cultural programme, says:
“We can’t wait to welcome people from across the city and beyond to the Jitterbug events which should be a lot of fun and bring Kafka’s world to life”
Angie Bual, Creative Director of Trigger says:
“We are so excited to bring our extraordinary and fantastical Jitterbug to the people of Oxford. There really will be something for everyone! From early morning yoga sessions to creative writing sessions, opportunities to get up close and personal with bugs and let loose at our evening cabaret. We’re thrilled to have collaborated with The Cultural Programme to present this colourful celebration of transformation and discovery. See you in the bug!”
The Jitterbug is conceived by Creative Director Angie Bual (Trigger), designed by world class designer Carl Robertshaw (Kylie Minogue, Stranger Things) and is fabricated by Studio Souffle.
The Cultural Programme at the University of Oxford was set up to deliver world-class arts and culture from around the world in preparation for the opening of Oxford’s new Schwarzman Centre, a state-of-the-art academic, exhibition and performance space, due to open in 2025.