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What's On

Everything is Connected

Fair Water?

Presented by Oxford University Museum of Natural History

Book Tickets

Thursday 23 November - Sunday 1 September 2024



Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, OX1 3PW


Free, just drop in

Age Rating

Suitable for all ages

Travel from water source to river mouth to learn about the water inequality that lies below the surface.

Earth is soaked in water from core to atmosphere. But just 3% of the planet’s water is fresh, and one in four of us doesn’t have access to clean drinking water. How do we protect people’s right to water when there’s not enough, and how do we adapt to extreme water events?

Fair Water reveals some of the global barriers to water equality and explores how researchers, communities and policymakers are working together to shape a fair water future.

Water has the power to hold our lives in the balance. Issues of water insecurity impact not only humans but also freshwater species, including the Ganges River Dolphin, Helicopter Catfish, and the fish and insects native to Britain’s waterways.

Discover how communities and engineers in  Kenya, Ethiopia, and Bangladesh are working to provide access to drinking water and protection against hazards like floods and droughts. With striking photography from Ethiopian artist Aïda Muluneh, the exhibition reveals how life without clean water has an especially great impact on women’s lives and futures.

Delve deeper into the vital theme of water equality inspired by the Fair Water? exhibition. Explore a diverse range of talks, workshops, performances, and more, each offering unique insights and engagements with this crucial global issue. For more details, please click HERE.

Plan your visit

Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, OX1 3PW

Monday – Sunday
10:00 – 17:00

Last admission: 16:45

Closed: 24, 25, 26 December

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